Monday, January 16, 2012

Energetic shift Jan-March 2012

We have just stepped into an acceleration of time and one of the most powerful energetic shifts for this year lasting approximately 6-8 weeks.

It is a period where old emotional cycles will be provoked to be cleared for the last time as reliving this emotional pattern will be intensified till the participant consciously chooses to finally let go of the survival conditioned pattern that has been replayed for many many lifetimes.

There will be no way out but to step into the authenticity of the self or relive an extreme and painful experience until the soul cannot carry on in the old way no more.
This is the opportunity to finally trust and create a new pattern based on the truth of your authentic self and to experience the fullness of life that is offered to each of you right now.

Step out of the survival pattern and into yourself or relive the darkest passage of an old pattern that has never served the purpose of your divine self.

It is time to awake from the deep sleep of many lifetimes.
A powerful and sacred time one that only needs a decision to finally know you are worth everything this world can offer.

Much love,
Astara xoxo