Monday, January 16, 2012

Energetic shift Jan-March 2012

We have just stepped into an acceleration of time and one of the most powerful energetic shifts for this year lasting approximately 6-8 weeks.

It is a period where old emotional cycles will be provoked to be cleared for the last time as reliving this emotional pattern will be intensified till the participant consciously chooses to finally let go of the survival conditioned pattern that has been replayed for many many lifetimes.

There will be no way out but to step into the authenticity of the self or relive an extreme and painful experience until the soul cannot carry on in the old way no more.
This is the opportunity to finally trust and create a new pattern based on the truth of your authentic self and to experience the fullness of life that is offered to each of you right now.

Step out of the survival pattern and into yourself or relive the darkest passage of an old pattern that has never served the purpose of your divine self.

It is time to awake from the deep sleep of many lifetimes.
A powerful and sacred time one that only needs a decision to finally know you are worth everything this world can offer.

Much love,
Astara xoxo

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Shamans Death

I stand before you timeless, formless, changeable, loving...
I choose to let go of all attachments right now within this place and time and let go of all I think I know and all that I think I am.
I strip bare the conditions, expectations, my identity that I feel makes me to come to another realisation within my life again...that it does not.
This powerful letting go I can then receive and create another identity one that will move me through the next chapter of my life and then when she is ready to die I will let her go and create another.
I am the Creator of my own creation I am formless, timeless, changeable, loving..
I identify myself with no attachments to anyone, anything, to any knowing or any wisdom.
I am being.
I am a thread in the web of life.

When we choose to let go of all attachments to what we think we know and the person we think we are and let go of the labels we give ourselves we then can let go of the ego and allow the authentic self unfold to its natural state of being.
If we choose to sit quietly today and reflect on letting go of all attachments and labels to what we think is who we are we may begin to see that we are timeless, formless, changeable, loving and we then can recreate another identity that will assist us to move through the next stages of our life until she/he is ready to die and be transformed again.

Much love,
Astara xoxo

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Sacred Serpent is moving

The Sacred Serpent energy is moving as many of us can feel with the overwhelming emotions that have surfaced many times this year.
Right now we are experiencing another energy shift as Earth Mother is changing we must too.
Do not underestimate the powerful emotions that arise with the movement of Kundalini energy which is happening for each of us now at this sacred time of change.
With each shift be aware emotions will be on the rise as we clear lifetimes upon lifetimes of pain and deep emotional patterns that keep us from experiencing our true joy and freedom to be ourselves.
We must confront the fears within to allow room for our authentic selves to be as this is the movement and change of now for us to return home to our true state of be one with nature and to embrace one another with understanding and love.
Heres a little more information to explain the shifts occurring taken from my website.

Sacred Serpent energy for many is known as kundalini energy.
This primal energetic force is visualized as a coiled serpent situated at the base chakra energy centre best described in Hindu texts as the three principles of universal nature ~ creation, preservation and destruction.

This pure universal force is our primal authentic self. 
It is the energy and creation of all living things and when activated the connection to the universal knowing and way of being is awakened within us.

Upon the powerful Earth change at this time this energy has been activated in All of us.
The activation of this pure energy accelerates spiritual growth creating powerful reactions in our emotional, mental and physical bodies. 
Some of these reactions and manifestations include ~ headaches, aches and pains in the joints, heart palpations and fluttering, anxiety, uncertainty, confusion, strong emotional reactions, depression, hypersensitivity, feeling ungrounded, unsettled, restless & periods of lack of motivation.

These symptoms are caused by emotional blockages carried within the energy centres (chakras) and are pushed to the surface to be released as the serpent energy moves through each centre to make way for the primal energy to be manifested.

Hope this offers some understanding and clarity.

Much love to All,
Astara xoxo

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Understanding the emotional body

Many of us do not take care of our emotional body placing too much emphasis on the spiritual or physical body and so many are left wondering why they do not experience peace from within.
Healthy expression of our emotions assists in our inner peace and opens the channel for the inner voice and feelings of our authentic self to be received.
This is known as intuition, 'a feeling', a knowing, a certain feeling we cannot explain that is something we just know that goes beyond reason or thought.

This is our natural way of being, an expression of our true selves untouched by fear of our human conditioning.
The struggle that we all experience is listening to this knowing that cannot be explained by the human mind and taking a leap of faith and learn to trust what we know deep within and allow our world to be created based on the knowing feelings we receive.

If we choose to confront and understand the feelings that make us feel uncertain of ourselves, we are less likely to react to our emotions.
Learning to be with how we feel till the emotions calm we then can take sacred time to receive intuitively and choose our direction with authentic knowing, choosing this we walk our spiritual path with our true self beyond our human casing.

When we realise that our emotional body is the bridge to expanding our spiritual and physical worlds we may pay more attention to learning and listening to the daily 'triggers' that sets off a flood of feelings that are in need of releasing.
When we are emotional we cannot not feel or hear our spiritual self, when we are emotional we block our capacity to manifest our hearts desires in our physical world and create energetic blocks that can further down the track manifest in the physical body causing illness.
To release is to feel, not to distract or react but to be our strength and to feel.
When we choose to feel we are choosing to let go of the past.

We can begin to raise awareness (pay attention) to our emotional body by using the two most powerful tools - writing and creativity.
The emotional body needs expression to keep it healthy and balanced if we do not express how we feel we begin to feel uncertain of who we are and we carry more fear blocking us from moving forward.
Writing and creativity is a safe way to understand and unravel the feelings that have been stored within.
Making regular time to express and to understand your emotions is not only the road to inner peace but to spiritual growth as we begin to understand ourselves we can also offer the wisdom revealed through our experience to others.

A Native American Indian elder said to me a few years ago - 'Allow your feelings to blow through you like wind and you will be strong like a tree rooted to Mother Earth'.
This changed my life I hope me sharing makes you feel that you are worth understanding the brilliance you are.

Much love,
Astara xoxo

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Sacred Serpent: Confronting fear

The Sacred Serpent: Confronting fear: Any fear that we may think is outside of us is actually the projection of what we feel within. Everything that we experience and confronts...

Confronting fear

Any fear that we may think is outside of us is actually the projection of what we feel within.
Everything that we experience and confronts our world is our own creation.
It is the projection of our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Though many of us fear looking in deeply as we may not want to see the truth of what is, we must remember to empower ourselves and know we have the power to change any emotional pattern and condition at any time.
If we choose not look deeply enough to make the change we create the same situation for ourselves over and over again.
Fear is only a feeling, and behind the fear is feelings that have been suppressed for some time.
When we feel emotional these feelings are ready to be released.
It is an opportunity to heal.
They are waiting to be felt and released as it no longer serves us to carry around the emotional block as we have outgrown the limitation we once have chosen to carry.
To be challenged is to be given the opportunity to spiritually and emotionally grow.
When we are experiencing the eye of the storm remember in those moments to use your clarity and strength to remind yourself that you are releasing and feeling that no longer serves you, you are choosing to heal and move forward authentically.
When emotions and fears arise do not look outside of yourself to control any situation or person look within and ask why are these feelings and fears there.
Where did they begin? What was it about this situation or person that made you feel the way you do?
Own what you feel. Search for the answers within the emotional pool of feelings.
Be the spiritual warrior and confront our greatest enemy ~ ourselves.
When we begin to understand and confront our emotional body we slowly begin to align our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies giving us a clear channel to our authentic selves.

Much love,
Astara xoxo

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Clearing negative self beliefs

Letting go and taking the leap of faith always comes with a level of fear as many of us have been conditioned to not trust our instincts or intuition and to listen to the voice of others.
When we choose to listen to others before ourselves and not take the time to listen to our intuition and knowing we create fear and uncertainty within our energy.
As soon as we externalise our energy outside of our centre we begin to feel uncertain of who we are creating negative self beliefs based on fear and pain.
It is very important for our spiritual growth to clarify our belief system from pain.
If we do not our intentions become unclear and is driven by emotion usually by pain and not authenticity.
If we took the time each week or even each day to go within and be completely honest of what is motivating our actions and behaviours you may find some unresolved emotions in need of healing.
If we wrote down how we feel about our bodies, work, relationships etc you may discover some self beliefs that have been keeping you from discovering and being your full potential.
Taking the time to learn what emotions are behind these self beliefs is the first step to healing and clearing your path way for true happiness and allowing your path to be steered by your authentic self and not driven by emotional neediness.
If you feel confronted by reading this today and can feel emotions being stirred, take time for a little writing and reflection and make a commitment to heal what may be holding you back from experiencing your happiness.

Much love,
Astara xoxo