Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Confronting fear

Any fear that we may think is outside of us is actually the projection of what we feel within.
Everything that we experience and confronts our world is our own creation.
It is the projection of our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Though many of us fear looking in deeply as we may not want to see the truth of what is, we must remember to empower ourselves and know we have the power to change any emotional pattern and condition at any time.
If we choose not look deeply enough to make the change we create the same situation for ourselves over and over again.
Fear is only a feeling, and behind the fear is feelings that have been suppressed for some time.
When we feel emotional these feelings are ready to be released.
It is an opportunity to heal.
They are waiting to be felt and released as it no longer serves us to carry around the emotional block as we have outgrown the limitation we once have chosen to carry.
To be challenged is to be given the opportunity to spiritually and emotionally grow.
When we are experiencing the eye of the storm remember in those moments to use your clarity and strength to remind yourself that you are releasing and feeling that no longer serves you, you are choosing to heal and move forward authentically.
When emotions and fears arise do not look outside of yourself to control any situation or person look within and ask why are these feelings and fears there.
Where did they begin? What was it about this situation or person that made you feel the way you do?
Own what you feel. Search for the answers within the emotional pool of feelings.
Be the spiritual warrior and confront our greatest enemy ~ ourselves.
When we begin to understand and confront our emotional body we slowly begin to align our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies giving us a clear channel to our authentic selves.

Much love,
Astara xoxo

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