In the stillness under Grandmother Moon I feel the stirring of new beginnings that is awaiting for all of us.
In the silence I dig my feet in the dirt and begin to drum feeling the love I have for the Great Mother of us All and slowly everything begins to expand and I see beyond the night as the wind begins to speak to me.
It tells me I'm not alone and she moves the leaves in the trees to my right and I feel the dance of joy the trees feel knowing I'm listening.
Grandmother spider crawls beside me whispering wisdom to my knowing assisting me to move beyond the limitations I have placed upon myself.
I smile in gratitude as the drumming gets louder and my heart opens and I can feel myself expanding becoming one with the trees, my feet become the dirt and I no longer hear the drumming, I am no longer physical, I am joy and I'm one with everything.
Everything is alive and I'm in perfect harmony with Mother Earth.
In this place I know, I am being, I am free.
There is no thought, no time, there is no-thing just being.
The wind speaks to me again and my attention is brought to the sound of the drum, I begin to feel the dirt under my feet and I begin to feel the peace and clarity from the connection.
The peace of knowing my thread in the web of All things and knowing for the last 25 minutes I experienced oneness with no identity, with no thought. I was timeless and formless, I was peace.
When I stopped drumming I sat in the stillness under Grandmother Moon knowing my place in the web of life it is..
To just be.
I return to my family in silence having experienced true freedom and peace knowing all I need to do is to be.
With love to Mother Earth,
Astara xoxo
Thank you Astara. You spoke to my heart. Blessings on this special day. Love Tricia